Complete Concussion Care | Concussion PT in Fort Collins, Colorado

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Visual Dysfunction After a Concussion

Visual dysfunction after concussion is EXTREMELY COMMON and can cause significant symptoms like blurry or double vision, frontal headaches, dizziness, and a plethora of other indirect issues like imbalance, brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, fatigue and motion sickness.

The visual system is wildly complex (about 1/3 of the neurons in our brain are dedicated to it! 🤯). As a concussion physical therapist we typically generalize it to three domains: fixation, smooth pursuits (tracking a target) and saccades (jumping/transitioning from target to target). These are foundational movements our eyes need to do accurately to be able to see the world and move through it.

Ultimately, we need to refine these visual skills under increasingly complex situations (while walking, while turning my head, while in visually complex places like the grocery store, etc). This is where progressing to incorporate vestibular cues is highly valuable.

To set up a vision evaluation, book here.