Complete Concussion Care | Concussion PT in Fort Collins, Colorado

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How to Own The First 48 Hours of Your Concussion Recovery

Owning the first 48 hours of your concussion experience sets you up for a steady, successful and complete recovery.

-Cocoon! We know better! Wrapping yourself in a dark room and avoiding all of life prolongs your recovery and heightens sensitivities.
-Keep playing! Recognize and respect your injury. Take yourself out of the game or the activity.
-Keep pushing your brain! Too much cognitive or physical activity right after your injury can make things worse and prolong your recovery.

-Limit your screen time! Folks who avoid/limit screens for the first 48 hours have quicker and easier recoveries.
-Dial in your nutrition and hydration! Keep it consistent and clean!
-Maximize sleep! Take as much as your body needs!
-Allow sub-symptom activities! Start to engage in normal life (the lighter things) as long as they don’t drive symptoms up too high.
-Begin sub-symptom exercise! Ideally this is initiated and guided by a specialist. (Be on the lookout for my small group Return to Exercise After Concussion protocol! Coming soon!)
-Call and schedule an evaluation with a specialist! Be persistent and get in as soon as you’re able.