Complete Concussion Care | Concussion PT in Fort Collins, Colorado

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A Conservative Concussion Recovery Timeline

Applying an orthopedic framework to concussion recovery can set a reasonable expectation for what’s normal in your recovery (or your patient’s!).

Sub-acute, 3-6 weeks after concussion: it may take this long for the sensitivity to simmer down and for “normal” activities to feel reasonable again.

8-12 weeks after concussion: it may take this long for your brain to tolerate everything that you want to do again!

Keep in mind that, because there’s so many variables that go into your concussion and your recovery, this is a general guide. Some folks will recover quicker, some folks will recover later. Think of this as a starting framework considered under the assumption of gold-standard concussion care: starting concussion rehab 2-5 days after injury, having access to a specialist, managing complicating factors, etc.